The FireWall Rising Stars are a 3v3 PC/PS4/XB1 competition for teams of 3 to 5 players, involved in a league composed of several divisions. Each team plays one BO5 series against all the other teams in their division, at the pace of one series per week. A ranking will be established, enabling the best teams to face in post-season playoffs.
The FireWall Rising Stars are part of the Rising Stars Circuit, that is comprised of several Regional Leagues (in France, Spain, Germany) including FWRS for Germany. Therefore, in the highest League Tier of FWRS, teams can qualify the Superstar League, a final competition that will gather the best teams from each Rising Stars Regional League.
FWRS are a community league aiming at offering a friendly but nonetheless regulated competitive frame. The FireWall and Rocket Baguette crew commits into offering nice features, such as the publishing of the rankings, rosters and statistics for each division on the & website, provided that the players abide to simple rules, including one major one: if you sign-up for FWRS, you commit into playing until the end of the season. All we require is that you play your one BO5 series per week. It’s not much but before signing-up, please make sure you’ll be able to make yourself available.
The rules in this document govern FWRS. Each player unconditionally agrees to abide by these rules and the decisions that the FireWall and Rocket Baguette staff make about the tournament. These rules are subject to change at the discretion of Team FireWall and Rocket Baguette.
The season will take place between Monday, January 20th (registrations opening) to Sunday, June 14th, 2019 (end of the Superstar League).
- The FWRS season is composed of 4 online open qualifiers, a regular season of 7 weeks and playoffs.
- 16 teams will access the Star League, the highest tier League, composed of two Divisions, through the 4 online open qualifiers. Tier 2 and below Leagues will be accessed through MMR seeding.
- Each Division is composed of 8 teams that face each other once in a BO5 series over a 7 consecutive weeks period, at the rhythm of one series per week, following a defined calendar. A week begins on Monday, 00:00 AM and ends on Sunday, 11:59 PM.
- The captains / coaches / managers of each teams are responsible for the scheduling of their weekly series. Both opponents decide together on the date and time for the series.
- A ranking is established for each Division, following these criteria:
- The number of series (BO5) won,
- The game difference (number of games won minus the number of games lost),
- If two teams are still tied, the result of their series will be the tie-breaker,
- If three or more teams are still tied, the goal difference will be the tie breaker (number of goals scored minus the number of goals conceded)
- At the end the regular season, the top 3 teams of each Division will qualify for the single-elimination BO7 playoffs brackets.
- Playoffs format may vary depending on the League structure and will be confirmed after the beginning of regular season.
- The 3 best teams of the Star League Playoffs will qualify for the Rising Stars Superstar League.
The ideal targeted FWRS Structure is the following:
Tier 1 League: | Star League Blue | Star League Red |
Tier 2 League: | Rising League Blue | Rising League Red |
Tier 3 League: | Shooting League Blue | Shooting League Red |
Tier 4 League: | Meteors League Blue | Meteors League Red |
… |
Tier 2 leagues and below can be comprised of 2 or 4 divisions depending on the number of attendees and skill level distribution.
- Registrations for Star League is made through the Open Qualifiers pages.
- Registrations for Tier 2 Leagues and below is made through a Registration form on the website. One form submission is for one team.
- If you sign-up, you commit into playing the whole season.
- Registrations are open to players on PC, PS4 and XB1 platforms above the Champion 1 rank.
- To be eligible to competing in FWRS, teams can only play with these combinations of players on the field:
- two German and/or Austrian and/or Dutch players plus a third player from the european continent
- Outside of Star League qualifiers, each team must communicate a list of 3 to 5 players with: nicknames, discord ID, platform, SteamID64 / PSN / Xbox Gamertag, the country of citizenship, as well as an email address for each player.
- A coach / manager can also be submitted with nickname, discord ID & email address. The coach / manager can get access to ingame lobbies upon approval from the opponent team.
- Every player must submit his main player account. Is considered as main the account with which he obtained his highest 2v2 or 3v3 rank during the current competitive season (or the previous season if the current one has been going since less than a month). Every other account used by the player is considered a “smurf account”. Registering or playing with a smurf account will cause the disqualification and ban of the player and his team.
- A team captain must be appointed.
- A team logo in the .png format, square dimensions and transparent background must be submitted if available to the team. If no logo is submitted, a generic logo will be assigned to the team.
- The team captain as well as the coach/manager must have joined the FireWall Discord and be present for the duration of the season. The admin team can exclude a team in case of difficulties to communicate with them.
Implementation of the season
To access FWRS Star League, teams must go through open qualifiers. The register to Tier 2 and below leagues, teams must fill out a form and they will be seeded according to MMR.
Lower Tier Leagues Seeding
- Teams are seeded according to a Team MMR as follows:
- For each player, we select the highest MMR obtained during the current season in the 1v1, 2v2 and both 3v3 competitive playlists. This value is retained as the Player’s MMR. 1v1 and 2v2 ranks are capped at 1500.
- We calculate an average of the three best Player MMRs in the team is retained as the Team MMR.
- The number of divisions in each league will depend on the number of attendees and the skill distribution.
Star League Qualifiers
- In order to qualify for the Tier 1 FWRS League, teams will first compete in one of the 4 Star League Qualifiers. The top 4 teams from each of the 4 Star League Qualifiers will get the 16 Star League spots. Team FireWall and Rocket Baguette is allowed to invite one or several teams and reduce the number of qualifying spots in one or several qualifiers.
- Teams will enter a double-elimination bracket meaning that a team will not be eligible to move forward if they lose twice. In each Star league Qualifier, the two final teams remaining in the upper bracket and the two final teams remaining in the lower bracket will be eligible to compete in the Star League divisions.
- All upper bracket matches of the Open Qualifiers are BO5s, all lower bracket matches are BO3s except for the qualifying matches that will be BO5. Seeding will be determined by Team FireWall and Rocket Baguette at their discretion.
Roster rules
The roster rules in order to register to the Star League qualifiers are the following:
- Only three players can be signed-up in a team roster. Up to two subs can be added after qualifying. It means that a team must complete a qualifier with only three players.
- Teams must comply with the FWRS roster restrictions and can only play with these combinations of players on the field:
- two German and/or Austrian and/or Dutch players plus a third player from the european continent
- A player that has played in a roster that qualified will be ineligible to join another team in the whole Rising Stars circuit in the course of the season.
- A player that failed to qualify in one of the Star League qualifiers can play in all the remaining qualifiers, including with different rosters. An individual can’t attend a qualifier with two different teams.
Match procedure
- Lobby settings : all standard arenas / 3v3 / No bots / Mutators : none / Match time : 5 minutes / Joinable by : name & pw / Platform : Steam and PS4 / Servers : Europe.
- Teams are expected to follow the instructions on the platform unless the match is broadcasted, in which case the teams are expected to follow the instructions of the admins that will contact them through the platform.
- Punctuality : all teams must have three players in the online match lobby by the match start time. Teams that do not have three players ready to play within 10 minutes of the match start time are subjected to a disqualification.
- Disconnects : in the event of a disconnect, the shorthanded team will continue to play out the single game within the match series. The disconnected player may rejoin during the game that the disconnect occured in or in between games of a match series but may not join in the middle of a following game in the series. After a disconnect, if a player cannot rejoin during the same game, the player will have 5 minutes to rejoin before the next game of the match series begin.
- No spectators are allowed
FWRS Leagues Schedule
- Leagues are played from 17.02. 2020 to 05.04. 2020. Every week of play will feature one match for each team in every division and league to play. The matches are organized via the Team FireWall Discord Channel and each weeks match has to be played before Sunday 11:59 pm.
- Star League Matches are streamed on every Tuesday and Thursday. Teams are advised to schedule their matches accordingly.
Playoffs Schedule
- Star League Playoffs are played on 17.04. 2020.
- Teams that placed 1st to 3rd during their Star League run qualify to play in the Star League Playoffs.
- Star League Playoffs are streamed on
- Promotion / Relegation Playoffs are played on 21.04.; 28.04.; 30.04.; 2020.
- Teams that placed 6th or 7th in their League enter Relegation and face off teams that placed 2nd and 3rd in a lower League.
Super Star League Schedule
- The Top 3 Teams from the Star League Playoffs qualify for the Super Star League hosted by Rocket Baguette played from 04.05. to 14.06. 2020.
Rosters & Substitutions
At all times, a roster must be comprised of at least 3 players, up to 5 players at most.
Before the end of registrations
A team can add or withdraw players freely before the registration period is over. The team captain/coach/manager must contact an admin and provide him/her with all the necessary information.
After the end of registrations
No roster change is allowed.
When regular season has begun
- Each team can recruit up to two players during the season.
- A team can’t recruit a player whose MMR would have seeded the team in a higher League: each recruitment must be approved by an admin. This rule doesn’t apply to Star and Rising League tiers.
- To add a player to its roster, a team must notify its division admin. Once the division admin has approved the recruitment, the recruited player won’t be allowed to play before the following Monday.
- A player can only change his gamer account during the season in the case of a change of platform. As an example, a player can’t register a new SteamID in substitution to a SteamID. A gamer account change will be accounted for as one of the two recruitments allowed during the season.
- Playing a series with a player whose recruitment hasn’t been approved by the division admin equals to be playing with a player that is not registered in the roster (1,5 jokers withdrawal + replay of the match unless the faulty team has lost the series).
- A player that has been registered in a Rising Stars team can join a different team only if he hasn’t played a single regular season match for this previous team. If he has played and qualified in Star League Open Qualifiers, he can’t join a different team.
Playing the series
- Series are to be played with the following settings: all standard arenas / 3v3 / No bots / Mutators : none / Match time : 5 minutes / Joinable by : name & pw / Servers : Europe.
- The captains / coaches / managers of each team must communicate through the private conversation created by their division admins and they decided together on day and time to play their series.
- The admin will be in charge of monitoring these conversations, making sure both captains demonstrate respect and good will.
- Substitutions are allowed in between games of a series but not during a game.
- A game can’t begin until both teams have 3 players on the field. 2v3 is not allowed, teams are expected to find a timeslot during which they can both play with full rosters.
- Spectators are allowed upon approval of the opponents.
- At the end of each series, one of the captains must post the .replay files in the « Results » chan of their division in the Discord. As a back-up, post-match screenshots can also be used. In case of a missing proof (.replay or screenshot) for one of the games in the series, the series result must be confirmed by the two captains. In this case, the statistics of incomplete series won’t be taken into account.
Series adjournment and penalties
● Forfeiting doesn’t exist in the Rising Stars. No result will be taken into account if the games haven’t been played.
● In order for the schedule to be followed, a joker system is implemented: if a team utilizes 3 jokers, it will be excluded from the league.
Fault | Penalty |
More than 48h without answering to opponents or admins | 1 joker |
Series not played before Sunday 11:59 pm | 1 joker for the team considered responsible for the delay, or 0,5 joker for each team in case of shared responsibility |
Impossibility to complete a begun series | 1 joker |
Showing-up >15 minutes late to a scheduled series | 1 joker |
Showing-up >45 minutes late to a scheduled series | 1,5 jokers |
Postponing a series 3 hours before the scheduled time | 1,5 jokers |
Not showing up for scheduled series | 1,5 jokers |
Series played with an unregistered player account | 1,5 jokers (+ potential replay of the series) |
Refusing to play or organize a series | Disqualification |
Cumulation of 3 jokers | Disqualification |
● For each series that hasn’t been played in the allocated time frame (before Sunday 11:59 pm CE(S)T):
○ The admin will have to decide which team is responsible, according to the conversation and allocate one joker.
○ If he/she’s not able to find out which team is responsible, both will use 0,5 jokers
● If a match is postponed for any given reason, captains must reschedule the series to a later date, before the end of the following week. Beyond that, the classic adjournment process will be applied.
● In the event of a disconnect during a series:
- If less than a minute has been played and the score is still 0-0, the game must be restarted with 3 players on each team.
- If a goal has been scored or more than one minute has been played, both teams must finish the game.
- Once it is over, 10 minutes will be granted to the team missing a player, for the disconnect player to come back or for a substitute to step-in. In case of impossibility to have a third player within 10 minutes, the shorthanded team will use one joker and both captains captains must reschedule the series to a later date, before the end of the following week. Beyond that, the classic adjournment process will be applied.
● If a wrong game account is found in a played series, the player’s team will be charged 1,5 jokers. The series will have to be replayed, unless it has been lost by the faulty team.
● We expect from each captain a certain availability and good will, especially at the beginning of each week, to make the organisation of the weekly BO5 a pleasant experience for everyone. Kind and regular communication is a sign of good will. We don’t require a 24/7 presence on the Discord, only that you anticipate your organisation and that you let your opponents or the admin what is going on. The Discord app is available for free on iOS, Android and other smartphones.
● Disqualified teams will be banned for the following season.
Dropping out of the league
- If despite all our efforts to avoid this, a team were to abandon the league in the course of the season, its results would be deleted in the ranking of the division and the statistics.
- If two teams facing off in the last week of League Play were to abandon, their previous results would be confirmed and both teams would get an additional 0-3 loss.
- A team or player giving up in the course of the season will be banned for the following season. A player leaving a roster doesn’t translate into a ban unless the team can no longer compete after the player’s departure.
- The admin team in charge of the organisation of the tournament is available to answer your questions. Do not hesitate to regularly take a look at the channels on the FireWall Discord.
- An admin will be appointed to each division. He/she will be the contact point for each team in the league. He/she will confirm results and roster changes and can help you organise.
- The admin is in charge of solving the issues of its division. An admin cannot be in charge of a division in which he/she is playing.
State of mind
The aim of the Rising Stars is to offer a pleasant experience to everyone involved. Outside of the field, be polite, understanding and open-minded. Don’t use trolling and provocation.
In case a player is behaving toxic or is insulting other players / admins / the FWRS the responsible admin is in charge of solving this issue and is allowed to give penalty points or a player time ban.
On the pitch, you will face better players than you: lose with dignity, watch your replays and try to figure out what they do better. You will face players weaker than you: win with humility, as one day, they will beat you. You will face aggressive players that will be rough with your car: play their own game or be smarter, but don’t forget that this is a strategy that is part of the game. Giving in to frustration is falling in their trap.
We’re all here because of our passion for Rocket League. It’s a game that gets to our hearts and souls… but don’t forget that it’s just a game 🙂
Prize Pool, Season 2 and Super Star League
Prize Pool:
The FWRS feature a Prize Pool of 1000€ sponsored by
The Top 4 Teams form the Star League Playoff Tournament earn their split from the Prize Money. The teams are awarded as follows:
1. Place | 2. Place | 3. Place | 4. Place |
500€ | 250€ | 150€ | 100€ |
Season 2 Qualifikation:
The FWRS are going to return for a second season that will be announced later in 2020. If you played in the first season of FWRS you are qualified to play in the second season as well. Depending on your performance during the league and playoffs the league you are qualified for can change from this season to the next one. To every team’s standing at the end of the season the following relegation/ promotion rule will be applied to every Division if possible.
1. Place | Auto-Promotion to next higher League |
2. Place | Tournament against next higher leagues 6. and 7. placed teams for potential promotion |
3. Place | Tournament against next higher leagues 6. and 7. placed teams for potential promotion |
4. Place | stays in the current League |
5. Place | stays in the current League |
6. Place | Tournament against next lower leagues 2. and 3. placed teams to defend against potential demotion |
7. Place | Tournament against next lower leagues 2. and 3. placed teams to defend against potential demotion |
8. Place | Auto-Relegation to next lower League |
The teams seeding into every two divisions for every league will be mixed from the current to the following season. Which means that whether a team plays in Division RED or BLUE as of the current season, the leagues’ divisions seeding can be different for some teams in the next one.
Star League Playoff Qualification:
Finishing 1st place in one of the Star League Divisions secures the team a spot in the semi-finals of the FWRS Playoffs. Second-placed teams from the Star League Division are seeded to the opposite side of the Playoffs Bracket of their Divisions 1st placed team and start Playoffs at the quarter-finals. 3rd placed teams are seeded into quarter-final matches against a second-placed team from another Division.
Super Star League Qualification:
Playing the FWRS Star League and finishing the Star League Playoffs as one of the TOP 3 Teams does not only award those teams a split from the FWRS Prize Pool but also rewards each of those 3 to play in the Super Star League hosted by Rocket Baguette. Teams that qualify for the Super Star League are required to participate in the League. Being disqualified from the Super Star League results in a disqualification from the FWRS. No Prize Money will be awarded to a disqualified team. Disqualified teams are dropped out of the League and vice versa.
Super Star League Page by Rocket Baguette: